2022/01/18 11:52






在紅色高棉時期,傳統的高棉拳術遭到禁止,許多拳手被逮捕處決,致使柬式高棉拳幾近失傳。直到紅高棉政權倒臺後,僅存的拳法傳人Sam Kim Sean決心將高棉拳術帶回柬埔寨,現在他們在努力將這一傳統的柬埔寨拳術推廣到世界的舞臺上。


Exciting Khmer Boxing. Match in Cambodia

A perfect ending in cheering

Jointly organized by Loonghai Fight Club and Soho Night Market

The match attracted hundreds of spectators to attend

Thank you to the players for showing their strength and the organizers for their meticulous planning

Khmer Boxing  is a traditional boxing technique in Cambodia. It was first seen in the mural site of the Angkor Wat Dynasty and is one of Cambodia's cultural heritages. According to legend, in ancient times in Cambodia, lions often haunted the village, attacking the villagers and livestock, making them uneasy. In this regard, the villagers have developed a more ferocious fighting technique to protect themselves. Later, the people called it lion fighting, which is now Khmer fist.

During the Khmer Rouge period, traditional Khmer boxing was banned, and many boxers were arrested and executed, resulting in close extinction of Khmer boxing. Until the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime, Sam Kim Sean, the only remaining boxing successor, was determined to bring Khmer boxing back to Cambodia, and now they are working hard to promote this traditional Cambodian boxing to the world stage.

Nowadays, more and more people start to learn Khmer martial arts and are attracted by Khmer boxing. But in fact, most of the people who learn martial arts are just to earn money to support their families through martial arts. The wages are not high, and there are still potential safety hazards. However, their courage to carry forward the country's traditional culture is worthy of everyone's appreciation.