Cambodia is a country full of business opportunities and young momentum. In the past 10 years, foreign investment in Cambodia has increased by more than 800%, and its economic potential is remarkable. Group Chairman Mr. YU Ka Ki and Chief Executive Officer Mr. LAI Jin Kei have insights into this rare opportunity. In 2015, they founded and led Golden Cambodia Century Group (GCC) into the Cambodian market and opened up GCC's real estate company, GC City.
The corporate strategy of GC City is to create a all-around real estate development model. The goal is to create a real estate developer covering all services from upstream to downstream in the real estate field.
GC City has set up 6 subsidiaries for its core business. Divided into the following:
金柬城 GC City 主要擁有柬埔寨首都金邊市中心及西哈努克港核心地帶地皮,共計劃開發面積超過250萬平方米,投資金額達二十億美金。現發展項目包括:金柬城 Borey NADI、金柬烏亞西市場 GC Orussey Market 和日本橋-GC Residence 高級公寓。
Located in Chroy Changvar District in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, it is the first large-scale high-end residential community developed by Golden Cambodia Century Group. All areas in the project are connected by boulevard and the projects use large areas of green space and gardens with flowing water. It combines a contemporary design of sculpture works, carving the living space with noble fashion, creates an iconic, high quality and comfortable living experience.Details
由 GCC 集團精心打造,運用高棉建築智慧構思,融合當代柬埔寨傳統批發市場的地產發展項目。GC烏亞西市場是一個五層樓的建築,樓高6米,擁有足夠的自然通風空間,擁有4300個不同尺寸的店舖,以滿足不同商品的需求。我們的理念是讓每一個商家都可以傳承商業的智慧,它不僅是商品銷售的集點,也是市井文化的集散地,是連接生活和文化交融的場所。 Details
Being responsible to the community, enterprises, and consumers, we adhere to the goal of maintaining reputation and service first. With the joint efforts of everyone, we will continue to create a better living environment for the society, and to portray the company to be the top-notch real estate developer in Cambodia, with the goal of improvement and to create beautiful high-value homes.