GC 烏亞西市場 · 歷史傳承與智慧之作
2021/06/01 11:06

隨著經濟高速增長,柬埔寨如今經濟騰飛,迎來大量遊客,當地的菜市場和集市文化在外國遊客眼中, 成了備受歡迎及必去的景點。其中最出名的就是中央市場、烏亞西市場和俄羅斯市場。

GC 烏亞西市場 · 歷史傳承與智慧之作

我們在市場外觀設計保留了古高棉宮殿建築設計的精髓,融入了傳統元素,以及借鑒已故柬埔寨建築大師凡·莫力萬先生對於高棉建築美學和現代概念互動的掌握,保留柬埔寨的信仰、傳統建築特色和文化, 希望經商之道和古人的智慧能不斷傳承。

尚未正式開售,項目發表後短短三日已賣出100套的傲人成績 在此感謝所有喜愛與支持我們的客戶,也請保握機會搶先登記


With the rapid economic growth, Cambodia's economy is now taking off and welcoming a large number of tourists. The local wet market and market culture have become popular and a must-see attractions in the eyes of foreign tourists. The most famous among all are the Central Market, Orussey Market and Russian Market.

GC Orussey Market · Historical Heritage and Wisdom Work

We retained the essence of the ancient Khmer palace architectural design in the market exterior design, incorporating traditional elements, and learn from the late Cambodian architect Mr. Vann Molyvann’s mastery of the interaction between Khmer architectural aesthetics and modern concepts, and retain Cambodia’s beliefs. Traditional architectural features and culture, in believe that the way of doing business and the traditional wisdom will continue to pass on.

The sale has not yet been officially launched, and 100 sets have been sold in just three days after the project was published. Thank you to all customers’ support. Please seize the opportunity and register first.

If anyone wants to know more please feel free to contact us