
GCC is a well-known Hong Kong-funded enterprise rooted in Cambodia. Since its establishment in 2015, the group employs more than 1000 employees. With the increase of elite talents and the growing team, as well as the core management's rich experience in financial business, real estate development and information technology, many large-scale projects have been completed in Cambodia with excellent results. With the rapid macroeconomic development, the group has broadened its vision to different fields, and extended its development to entertainment, media, catering, and retail related industries. It upholds the inheritance of continuous innovation and experience and the continuation of the corporate spirit and has grown year by year and has become a diversified industry Enterprise.

Golden Cambodian Century GCC-Hong Kong headquarters was established at the end of 2020 in Hong Kong's central commercial area (Central). Upholding our headquarter vision, "Rushed together, break together, to create a century", our goal is to build a platform in Hong Kong and become the window of the to the world, to achieve the sustainable development of the group.
Our mission is to provide full range services and support to our partners, agents, and clients in Hong Kong, hold regular trade fairs and seminars, and actively provide assistance to the needs of clients. We are committed to working with Companies and investors who are interested in investing in Cambodia. We work together to seize local development opportunities and create a better future!


  • 財富傳承 - 通過設立信託,可以幫助您的家族資產世代傳承,家業永續。
  • 保障資產 - 一個經妥善設立的信託能保障您的財富,把您的資產通過信託持有,有效避免債權人未來的索償。
  • 靈活的資產分配控制權 - 信託可以根據您的意願按時間及條件將信託資產分配給指定的受益人。
  • 保障私穩 - 您和信託最終受益人的身份可獲得高度保密。
  • 保障年幼的受益人 - 若您摯愛的家人尚年幼或沒有足夠能力管理財富,信託能為他們妥善管理信託資產,並用來支付受益人生活上的開支。


  • 物業放租、收租管理、代收租金。
  • 為移民海外業主管理香港物業、保養及維修。
  • 甄選租客、減低機會遇上租霸。
  • 處理物業續租及租賃糾紛。
  • 協助處理租約文件條款。
  • 物業放租、收租管理、代收租金。
  • 為移民海外業主管理香港物業、保養及維修。
  • 甄選租客、減低機會遇上租霸。
  • 處理物業續租及租賃糾紛。
  • 協助處理租約文件條款。


Real estate services


Exhibition / activities
Video Sharing
GCC - 國際移民 • 置業博覽會
CEO 展銷會
GCC 香港總部開業活動
Address: Guangdong Investment Tower 21/Floor, 148 Connaught Rd Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.(Map)
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