一年一度的GCC 聖誕節大餐+ 員工酬謝晚宴
2022/12/29 15:38

於日前在柬埔寨舉行,活動隆重及熱鬧,員工與親友們玩得不亦樂乎。GCC感激各位員工在過去一年的付出,亦希望在未來一年可以再創新高,為大家帶來更優質的項目。在這邊GCC再次向大家說聲聖誕快樂及迎接2023 年的新開始。

The annual GCC Christmas Dinner + Staff Appreciation Dinner was held in Cambodia a few days ago. The event was grand and lively, and the staff and their rfamily and friends had a great time. GCC is grateful to all employees for their dedication in the past year, and hope to reach new heights in the coming year and bring more high-quality projects. GCC would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone once again and welcome the new beginning of 2023.