疫情為全球社會與經濟帶來巨大的影響,也讓我們省思如何做出應變。藉由此次交流與對談,GCC集團將全心投入與政府深度合作搭起橋樑,發揮影響力,為柬埔寨帶來更美好的國家發展。 Today, the GCC Group had the privilege of visiting Minister Mr San Chanrithy at the Ministry of Finance and Foreign Affairs with Hong Kong Consul-General Ms. Pech Neaky for in-depth exchanges. At the same time, we also donated all kinds of materials to the Cambodian people to express our love for Cambodia. It is our honor and pleasure that GCC Group can get the support and recognition from the government and establish a good friendship.
The pandemic has had a huge impact on the global society and economy, and it stimulates us to adapt and innovate. Through this exchange and dialogue, GCC Group will continue to devote ourselves to in-depth cooperation with the government in order to build a bridge between two countries, exert the influence, and bring a prosperous future to Cambodia.