GCC - 一連兩日既展覽已經完滿結束啦
2022/06/13 15:26
亦都好開心可以幫到咁多唔同既人去了解柬埔寨同解決投資/移民上既問題 ,因為好多朋友這兩天都不能抽空出席,詢眾要求,我地決定將展覽會既優惠再次延長多10日
再一次感謝大家既支持同厚愛 我地下個展覽再見!
感謝柬埔寨駐香港領事 Consulate General of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Hong Kong, Madam Pech Neaky 親臨推廣和支持。
The two-day International Immigration and Property Exhibition has come to a complete conclusion, thank you very much to all of our friends for visiting despite the pandemic restrictions. It is our honor to promote Cambodia's investment environment and Cambodia newly launched Cambodia My 2nd Home Scheme to the public in person Special congratulations to the friends who joined CM2H scheme and experience the prosperity of Cambodia with us!
To answer the high demand and the interested parties who could not join us at the event, we are pleased to announce that we are extending our event promotion for 10 more days
For those who do not want to miss out on this great discount, don't be discouraged Feel free to private message us or make an appointment with our professional team members and take advantage of the fantastic discount!
Once again, thank you for your support and love. See you at the next exhibition!
Special thanks to Consulate General of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Hong Kong, Madam Pech Neaky for coming to support us