早前,我哋好榮幸邀請到泰國最大地產代理公司之一IFCG CEO Witoon Lertpanomwan先生到訪我哋GCC 香港office,進一步加強我哋合作關係
p.s. 係2024年11月,GCC 正式與泰國最大地產代理公司之一 IFCG Public Company Limited (IFCG)、環球投資專家 Knightsbridge Partners 簽署作為 GC 烏亞西市場獨家總代理!

One of Thailand's largest real estate agencies, IFCG, visits Hong Kong GCC
Recently, we had the honor of welcoming Mr. Witoon Lertpanomwan, CEO of IFCG, to our GCC Hong Kong office to strengthen our partnership.
During the meeting, we exchanged insights and explored more collaboration opportunities for the future.
We believe that through our cooperation, we can create more value and opportunities!
P.S. In November 2024, GCC officially appointed IFCG Public Company Limited (IFCG), one of Thailand's largest real estate agencies, and Knightsbridge Partners, the global investment expert, as master agencies to drive global launch of GC Orussey Market!