有留意新聞都知道,柬埔寨已係國際上最hit 投資國家,連Elon Musk 旗下公司都重點投資柬埔寨
較早前我哋GCC CFO林濠斌先生與中國廣州柬埔寨總領事館會面,雙方就一帶一路、經濟發展等議題有深入交流~
If you've been following the news, you know that Cambodia is currently one of the hottest investment countries internationally , with even companies under Elon Musk making significant investments in Cambodia
Recently, our GCC CFO, Mr. Zeus Lam, met with the Cambodian Consulate General in Guangzhou, China, where both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as the Belt and Road Initiative and economic development~
Cambodia is a dollarized country , with foreign direct investment reaching $3.5 billion in 2022 and an average GDP growth of 7% , making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world
If you want to learn more about the investment advantages and options in Cambodia, contact us for a free one-on-one consultation and seize the investment opportunities in Cambodia!