2021/05/10 01:04

在過去的一個週末,我們中環辦公室舉辦了首次移民與信托研討會。會上反應熱烈,各參加者非常踴躍發問,希望為未來移民鋪路。GCC 將於16/5舉行第二場講座,會上有移民專家,亦有稅務及信托專家為各位解答疑問,機不可知,請從速報名!

報名: https://bit.ly/2QZcz3m

Over the past weekend, we held the first immigration and trust seminar at our Central office. The response during the seminar was overwhelming, and the participants were very enthusiastic in the Q&A session, hoping to pave the way for future immigration. GCC will hold the second seminar on 16/5. There will be immigration experts and taxation and trust experts during the session to answer all questions. This is a chance no one should miss, please sign up at once!